JoyRx Achieves Milestone: 100 Mentorship Matches

JoyRx Mentorship, a vital program under JoyRx, has proudly announced that it supported over 100 mentorship matches during the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Established in 1999, JoyRx Mentorship has been dedicated to providing companionship and friendship to children undergoing medical treatments and hospitalizations, making a significant difference in their lives.

Overcoming Challenges: The Journey to 100 Matches

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented challenges, particularly for programs that rely heavily on in-person interactions. JoyRx Mentorship quickly adapted by transitioning to virtual hangouts, ensuring that children could still experience the joy of connection despite the digital divide. Hospital access restrictions, however, meant that fewer new matches could be established during the pandemic’s initial years.

In November 2022, with the easing of hospital restrictions and the widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, JoyRx resumed in-person matches. The organization set an ambitious goal to return to triple-digit matches, aiming to rebuild the program to its pre-pandemic strength.

On April 15, JoyRx celebrated a significant milestone. Their Mentorship Specialists successfully matched two mentors with new friends, marking the one hundredth and one hundred and first matches for the fiscal year. This achievement underscores the dedication and hard work of the Mentorship team.

“Triple-digit matches! What a milestone,” exclaimed Salma Ruiz, JoyRx Mentorship Specialist. “I am so proud of our team for accomplishing our goal of serving over one hundred kiddos and their families this fiscal year. I’m so thankful to these families for allowing JoyRx to be a small part of their lives during such a challenging time.”

“Every day, I see the immensely positive impact this program has on the families we serve,” added Lori Piscitello, another JoyRx Mentorship Specialist. “Our mentors walk into the room, and there is a collective sigh of relief from families, knowing they are not alone. Parents can leave the room to get something to eat, take a walk, or do whatever it is—confident their child is in good hands with someone who cares. It gives the parents a chance to breathe.”

The Lasting Impact of JoyRx Mentorship

Hospital stays can be incredibly stressful for children and their families. The companionship and connection provided by JoyRx Mentorship are vital for children battling severe illnesses. The impact of these relationships is profound, offering much-needed emotional support and moments of joy during challenging times.

Lori Piscitello shared, “It warms my heart that there are so many good people in the world willing to walk into a stranger’s darkest time and come out on the other side as a lifelong friend and confidant.”

A social worker from Randall Children’s Hospital expressed their gratitude, stating, “I have said it before, and will never deny, that the work you all do is so needed. It is so impactful and makes a difference for our patients and families. These programs are amazing, and those mentors are EVERYTHING!”

Looking Forward: The Future of JoyRx Mentorship

As JoyRx celebrates this milestone, they remain committed to expanding their reach and impact. The organization continues to seek volunteers to join as JoyRx Mentors, aiming to bring joy and hope to even more children and families facing challenging times.

JoyRx invites anyone interested in making a difference to contact their Volunteer Coordinator, Tess Paterson, for more information or to get started as a mentor. The impact of friendship and companionship on young people is undeniable, and JoyRx is dedicated to reaching as many children as possible who need joy now more than ever.

Together, JoyRx and its supporters can continue to create meaningful connections and provide much-needed emotional support to children and families. Here’s to many more milestones ahead!

Source: JoyRx Mentorship Reaches 100 Matches in 2024 – JoyRx

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